Many Kenyans spend hours trying to search for some of the best house designs in Kenya for their next housing project. This is a very important step for every family because the choice of a house is once and the consequence in a lifetime. As a construction company in Kenya, we have seen some of the things which many homeowners look for. You will hardly find this list with other construction companies in Kenya but for us, we wish to share the secrets of what matters.
In this article, I want to highlight 9 stunning features you should look out for in the house designs in Kenya search findings.
1. Fitness Center
The majority of the global population, not just Kenyans struggle with weight issues. This calls for a fitness centre that family members can utilize to keep fit. When reviewing house plans in Kenya, check out those with fitness centre provisions. A fitness centre for a family should not necessarily be fitted with gym equipment like the usual gym but it provides space for exercise.
Good house designs in Kenya with a fitness centre should locate it in a place well ventilated and easy to access and closer to water closet points.
Can a fitness centre fit in a 3 bedroom house plans in Kenya?
The fitness room should be treated like an extra room or garage. Depending on the 3 bedroom house plans in Kenya you want to use, you should always explore with your architect a good location to place it. Even a simple 3 bedroom house plans in Kenya should provide room for a fitness centre. A small extension like a garage or an enclosed back porch would do.
Can a fitness centre fit in cheap house designs in Kenya?
For an individual to opt for cheap house designs in Kenya, chances are that budget for construction is limited. This makes it tricky to figure out additional room for a fitness centre. The way to kill this is to have one of the bedrooms bigger and then a section of it s curved out to be a fitness section. Do not rule out a fitness centre because of the simple house designs in Kenya you have opted for.
Can a fitness centre fit in a Two bedroom house plans in Kenya
A fitness centre within a house is likely to result in an additional room hence affecting the house designs in Kenya and cost. Before you rule out a fitness centre in a two bedroom house plans in Kenya, the financial effect of the additional room can be analyzed on a case-to-case basis.

2. Pet Area
A pet area will help you train your pet on its house and how movement is limited. A good number of people ignore this pet area but have pets in their homes.
3. Multi-purpose terrace
The modern-day home builders want multi-purpose terraces and majority of house designs in Kenya show that. Your architect should figure out the best possible terrace for your house design. There are several types of multi-purpose terraces which can be implemented. The taste and preference of a client normally carry the day.
4. Children’s play area
This is another consideration in which you must check in-house designs in Kenya. Children must have a play area. If you don’t provide, they will play everywhere and anywhere. The children’s play area should be a secure and monitored area to guarantee children’s safety.
5. Yard
A good number of homeowners are looking into the availability of a yard. A kitchen yard or just a yard is welcome. While each homeowner would have a preference about the yard, one thing is clear a yard is worth considering in your house plans in Kenya.
6. Swimming Pool
Not so many construction companies in Kenya offer swimming pools. A swimming pool presence in a house plan is also another consideration that homeowners want to see a pool or a provision for it. A good plan should have a provision for a swimming pool. As a construction company in Kenya, we not only include the architectural plan but also the approved plan with a swimming pool in it.
7. Barbecues area
This barbecue area is important, especially during events where outdoor cooking is important. A barbecue can have a similar construction as the main house or just a temporal structure where everything food can be cooked there in the event of a big number.
8. The View
Homeowners or buyers want to have a view of something. The view opens up to the view of the street, sky, lake and many people.
9. Privacy
The plan should ensure adequate privacy is achieved. The positioning of doors and windows should be guided by your opinion. I will share your views tomorrow.
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